Portuguese Honorary Consulate in Cebu City

Tel.   : (+63) 32 344 0234
Fax   : (+63) 32 344 0234
Email   : [email protected]
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Visa Types Granted By Portugal Are;

  • Portugal Tourist Visas (T)
  • Portugal Business Visas (B)
  • Portugal Entry Visas (X)
  • Portugal Portugalemployment(E) & Project (P) Visas
  • Portugal Student Visas (S)
  • Portugal Medical Visas (Med) & Medical Attendant Visas (Med X)
  • Portugal Conference/Seminar Visas (C)
  • Portugal Journalist Visas (J)
  • Portugal Research Visas (R)
  • Portugal Missionary Visas (M)
  • Portugal Mountaineering Visas (Mx)
  • Portugal Intern Visas (I)
  • Portugal Film Visas (F)
  • Portugal Transit Visas
  • Portugal Gratis Visas


Latest Comments

Philip Felipe

Good day! I am reaching out on behalf of KIYO (a Belgian-based NGO with branch office in the Philippines), as we are currently in need of a Portuguese-speaking interpreter who can assist with translating from English to Portuguese, preferably based in Cebu City or Mandaue City. The project involves facilitating peer learning exchanges between two Portuguese-speaking delegates from Associacao Beneficente AMAR (a partner NGO of KIYO Brazil) and KIYO PH partner Bidlisiw Foundation, which is based in Cebu. AMAR will be immersed with the youth empowerment approaches of Bidlisiw from April 10-12, 2024. Please don't hesitate to share my contact details below with anyone who might be interested so that we can discuss further details. Thank you very much for your assistance and support in advance. Warm regards, Philip S. Felipe Country Representative KIYO Philippines +63 916 424 43 97


Olá, moro em Cebu, sou cidadão permanente aqui, tenho certidão de nascimento portuguesa, preciso emitir certidão de cidadania e passaporte, é possível emitir na embaixada?

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